from Numeric import arange, array, maximum, minimum, ones, ravel, zeros from operator import mul #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # utility functions # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _raw(t, pad=-1): """ Given an integer 't', return its raw binary representation, padded to 'pad' bytes. If the raw representation has more than 'pad' bytes, the high order bytes are truncated. """ s = hex(t)[2:] s = s.replace("L", "") if len(s) % 2 == 1: s = "0" + s s_len = len(s) if pad < 0: pad = s_len/2 retval = [] for i in range(0, s_len, 2): retval.append(chr(int(s[i:i+2], 16))) retval.reverse() # put the bytes in little endian order if pad > s_len/2: # pad the array to the correct number of bytes retval += ['\x00',]*(pad-s_len/2) return ''.join(retval) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # colormaps # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def gamma(n=256, exponet=2.2): """Creates an n-entry colormap with a logarithmic intensity variation.""" ct = arange(n) ct = pow(ct, 1./exponet) ct = (ct-ct[0])/(ct[-1]-ct[0])*255 ct = ct.astype('b') retval = zeros((n,4), 'b') retval[:,0] = ct retval[:,1] = ct retval[:,2] = ct return retval.tostring() def linear(n=256): """Creates an n-entry colormap with a linear intensity variation.""" ct = arange(0, n, 1, 'b') retval = zeros((n,4), 'b') retval[:,0] = ct retval[:,1] = ct retval[:,2] = ct return retval.tostring() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # BMP output routine # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def bmp_output(a, fname): f = file(fname, "wb") imgsize = reduce(mul, a.shape) # NOTE! this assumes little-endian (Intel i386) byte ordering! # Information on the BMP format was found at: # # BMP file header f.write("BM") # bfType(2) - always 'BM' f.write(_raw(imgsize+1078, 4)) # bfSize(4) - size of file w/1078 header bytes f.write(_raw(0, 2)) # bfReserved1(2) - always 0x0000 f.write(_raw(0, 2)) # bfReserved2(2) - always 0x0000 f.write(_raw(1078, 4)) # bfOffBits(4) - raster offset # BMP info header f.write(_raw(40, 4)) # biSize(4) - size of 'info' structure f.write(_raw(a.shape[0], 4)) # biWidth(4) - image width in pixels f.write(_raw(a.shape[1], 4)) # biHeight(4) - image height in pixels f.write(_raw(1, 2)) # biPlanes(2) - number of bitplanes on target f.write(_raw(8, 2)) # biBitCount(2) - bpp, usually 8 f.write(_raw(0, 4)) # biCompression(4) - compression method (none) f.write(_raw(imgsize, 4)) # biSizeImage(4) - size of image structure f.write(_raw(0, 4)) # biXPelsPerMeter(4) - pixels per meter f.write(_raw(0, 4)) # biYPelsPerMeter(4) - pixels per meter f.write(_raw(256, 4)) # biClrUsed(4) - number of colors in colormap f.write(_raw(256, 4)) # biClrImportant(4) - ? important colors ? # BMP colormap f.write(gamma()) # BMP image structure if not a.typecode() == 'b': maxval = maximum.reduce(ravel(a)) minval = minimum.reduce(ravel(a)) a = (a-minval)/(maxval-minval+1e-10)*255 a = a.astype('b') tempmat = zeros(a.shape, 'b') for row in range(a.shape[0]): tempmat[row] = a[a.shape[0]-row-1] f.write(tempmat.tostring()) f.close() del(tempmat) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # unit test # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# if __name__ == "__main__": a = arange(0, 1024, 1, 'd') a.shape = (32, 32) bmp_output(a, "bmp_unittest.bmp")