//Credit to Paul Bourke (pbourke@swin.edu.au) for the original Fortran 77 Program :)) //Conversion to Visual Basic by EluZioN (EluZioN@casesladder.com) //Conversion from VB to Delphi6 by Dr Steve Evans (steve@lociuk.com) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //June 2002 Update by Dr Steve Evans (steve@lociuk.com): Heap memory allocation //added to prevent stack overflow when MaxVertices and MaxTriangles are very large. //Additional Updates in June 2002: //Bug in InCircle function fixed. Radius r := Sqrt(rsqr). //Check for duplicate points added when inserting new point. //For speed, all points pre-sorted in x direction using quicksort algorithm and //triangles flagged when no longer needed. The circumcircle centre and radius of //the triangles are now stored to improve calculation time. // //June 2005 (More) Dynamic memory allocation and a few optimizations added by //Gunnar Blumert (gunnar@blumert.de) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //You can use this code however you like providing the above credits remain in tact unit Delaunay; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Dialogs, Graphics, Forms, Types, Math; // Set these values as appropriate for your application // If these values are not sufficient, more memory will // be allocated as needed const InitialVertexCount = 10000; Vertex_Increment = 1000; ExPtTolerance = 0.000001; //Points (Vertices) Type dVertex = record x,y : double; end; //Created Triangles, vv# are the vertex pointers Type dTriangle = record vv0: LongInt; vv1: LongInt; vv2: LongInt; PreCalc: Integer; xc,yc,r: Double; end; type TDVertex = array of dVertex; TDVertexClass = class private fData: TDVertex; procedure SetItem(Index: integer; Value: dVertex); function GetItem(Index: integer): dVertex; public constructor Create(Capacity: integer); destructor Destroy; override; property Items[index: integer]: dVertex read getitem write setitem; default; end; type TDTriangle = array of dTriangle; TDTriangleClass = class private fData: TDTriangle; procedure SetItem(Index: integer; value: dTriangle); function GetItem(Index: integer): dTriangle; public constructor Create(Capacity: integer); destructor destroy; override; property Items[index: integer]: dTriangle read getitem write setitem; default; end; TByteArray = array of byte; TBoolArrayClass = class private fData: TByteArray; function GetItem(Index: integer): boolean; procedure SetItem(Index: integer; Value: boolean); function ByteIndex(Index: integer): integer; function BitMask(Index: integer): byte; public constructor create(Capacity: integer); destructor Destroy; override; property Items[index: integer]: boolean read GetItem write Setitem; default; end; TIntArray = array of integer; TIntArrayClass = class private fData: TIntArray; function GetItem(Index: integer): integer; procedure SetItem(Index: integer; Value: integer); public constructor create(Capacity: integer); destructor destroy; override; property Items[index: integer]: integer read getitem write setitem; default; end; TDEdges = array[0..2] of TIntArrayClass; type TDelaunay = class private { Private declarations } Vertex: TDVertexClass; Triangle: TDTriangleClass; function InCircle(xp, yp, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: Double; var xc: Double; var yc: Double; var r: Double; j: Integer): Boolean; Function WhichSide(xp, yp, x1, y1, x2, y2: Double): Integer; Function Triangulate(nvert: Integer): Integer; function FindPoint(_x, _y: Double; out index: integer): boolean; public { Public declarations } TempBuffer: TBitmap; HowMany: Integer; tPoints: Integer; //Variable for total number of points (vertices) TargetForm: TForm; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Mesh; procedure Draw; procedure AddPoint(x,y: Double); procedure ClearBackPage; procedure FlipBackPage; procedure QuickSort(Low,High: Integer); end; implementation constructor TDVertexClass.Create(Capacity: integer); begin inherited create; SetLength(fData,Capacity); end; destructor TDVertexClass.Destroy; begin finalize(fData); inherited; end; function TDVertexClass.GetItem(Index: integer): dVertex; begin if High(fData) < Index then SetLength(fData,Index+Vertex_Increment); Result := fData[Index] end; procedure TDVertexClass.SetItem(Index: integer; Value: dVertex); begin if High(fData) < Index then SetLength(fData,Index+Vertex_Increment); fData[Index] := Value end; constructor TDTriangleClass.Create(Capacity: integer); begin inherited create; SetLength(fData,Capacity); end; destructor TDTriangleClass.destroy; begin Finalize(fData); inherited end; function TDTriangleClass.GetItem(Index: integer): dTriangle; begin if High(fData) < Index then SetLength(fData,Index+Vertex_Increment*2); Result := fData[index] end; procedure TDTriangleClass.SetItem(Index: integer; value: dTriangle); begin if High(fData) < Index then SetLength(fData,Index+Vertex_Increment*2); fData[index] := value end; constructor TBoolArrayClass.Create(Capacity: integer); begin inherited create; SetLength(fData,Capacity shr 3); end; destructor TBoolArrayClass.Destroy; begin Finalize(fData); inherited; end; function TBoolArrayClass.ByteIndex(Index: integer): integer; begin Result := index shr 3; end; function TBoolArrayClass.BitMask(Index: integer): byte; begin Result := 1 shl (Index and $7) end; function TBoolArrayClass.GetItem(Index: integer): boolean; begin Result := fData[ByteIndex(Index)] and BitMask(Index) <> 0; end; procedure TBoolArrayClass.SetItem(Index: integer; Value: boolean); var bi: integer; begin bi := ByteIndex(Index); if bi > High(fData) then SetLength(fData,bi+(Vertex_Increment shr 3)); if Value then fData[bi] := fData[bi] or BitMask(Index) else fData[bi] := fData[bi] and (not BitMask(Index)); end; constructor TIntArrayClass.create(Capacity: integer); begin inherited create; SetLength(fData,Capacity); end; destructor TIntArrayClass.Destroy; begin Finalize(fData); inherited end; function TIntArrayClass.GetItem(Index: integer): integer; begin if High(fData) < Index then SetLength(fDAta,Index+Vertex_Increment); Result := fData[index] end; procedure TIntArrayClass.SetItem(Index: integer; Value: integer); begin if High(fData) < Index then SetLength(fData,Index+Vertex_Increment); fData[Index] := Value; end; constructor TDelaunay.Create; begin inherited; //Initiate total points to 1, using base 0 causes problems in the functions tPoints := 1; HowMany:=0; TempBuffer:=TBitmap.Create; Vertex := TDVertexClass.Create(InitialVertexCount); Triangle := TDTriangleClass.Create(InitialVertexCount*2); end; destructor TDelaunay.Destroy; begin FreeAndNIL(Vertex); FreeAndNIL(Triangle); inherited; end; function TDelaunay.FindPoint(_x,_y: double; out index: integer): boolean; var i: integer; dx, dy: double; begin Result := false; for i := 1 to pred(tPoints) do with Vertex[i] do begin dx := _x-x; dy := _y-y; if IsZero(dx,ExPtTolerance) and IsZero(dy,ExPtTolerance) then begin Result := true; index := i; exit end else if x > _x then exit; end; end; function TDelaunay.InCircle(xp, yp, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: Double; var xc: Double; var yc: Double; var r: Double; j: Integer): Boolean; //Return TRUE if the point (xp,yp) lies inside the circumcircle //made up by points (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3) //The circumcircle centre is returned in (xc,yc) and the radius r //NOTE: A point on the edge is inside the circumcircle var eps: Double; m1: Double; m2: Double; mx1: Double; mx2: Double; my1: Double; my2: Double; dx: Double; dy: Double; rsqr: Double; drsqr: Double; T: dTriangle; begin eps:= 0.000001; InCircle := False; //Check if xc,yc and r have already been calculated if Triangle[j].PreCalc=1 then begin xc := Triangle[j].xc; yc := Triangle[j].yc; r := Triangle[j].r; rsqr := sqr(r); dx := xp - xc; dy := yp - yc; drsqr := sqr(dx) + sqr(dy); end else begin If (Abs(y1 - y2) < eps) And (Abs(y2 - y3) < eps) Then begin ShowMessage('INCIRCUM - F - Points are coincident !!'); Exit; end; If Abs(y2 - y1) < eps Then begin m2 := -(x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2); mx2 := (x2 + x3) / 2; my2 := (y2 + y3) / 2; xc := (x2 + x1) / 2; yc := m2 * (xc - mx2) + my2; end Else If Abs(y3 - y2) < eps Then begin m1 := -(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1); mx1 := (x1 + x2) / 2; my1 := (y1 + y2) / 2; xc := (x3 + x2) / 2; yc := m1 * (xc - mx1) + my1; end Else begin m1 := -(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1); m2 := -(x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2); mx1 := (x1 + x2) / 2; mx2 := (x2 + x3) / 2; my1 := (y1 + y2) / 2; my2 := (y2 + y3) / 2; if (m1-m2)<>0 then //se begin xc := (m1 * mx1 - m2 * mx2 + my2 - my1) / (m1 - m2); yc := m1 * (xc - mx1) + my1; end else begin xc:= (x1+x2+x3)/3; yc:= (y1+y2+y3)/3; end; end; dx := x2 - xc; dy := y2 - yc; rsqr := dx * dx + dy * dy; r := Sqrt(rsqr); dx := xp - xc; dy := yp - yc; drsqr := sqr(dx) + sqr(dy); //store the xc,yc and r for later use T := Triangle[j]; T.PreCalc := 1; T.xc := xc; T.yc := yc; T.r := r; Triangle[j] := T; end; If drsqr <= rsqr Then InCircle := True; end; Function TDelaunay.WhichSide(xp, yp, x1, y1, x2, y2: Double): Integer; //Determines which side of a line the point (xp,yp) lies. //The line goes from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) //Returns -1 for a point to the left // 0 for a point on the line // +1 for a point to the right var equation: Double; begin equation := ((yp - y1) * (x2 - x1)) - ((y2 - y1) * (xp - x1)); if IsZero(Equation) then Result := 0 else if Equation > 0 then Result := -1 else Result := 1; (* If equation > 0 Then WhichSide := -1 Else If equation = 0 Then WhichSide := 0 Else WhichSide := 1; *) End; Function TDelaunay.Triangulate(nvert: Integer): Integer; //Takes as input NVERT vertices in arrays Vertex() //Returned is a list of NTRI triangular faces in the array //Triangle(). These triangles are arranged in clockwise order. var // Complete: TDComplete; Complete: TBoolArrayClass; Edges: TDEdges; Nedge: LongInt; //For Super Triangle xmin: Double; xmax: Double; ymin: Double; ymax: Double; xmid: Double; ymid: Double; dx: Double; dy: Double; dmax: Double; //General Variables i : Integer; j : Integer; k : Integer; ntri : Integer; xc : Double; yc : Double; r : Double; inc : Boolean; dv: DVertex; dt: dTriangle; begin //Allocate memory Complete := TBoolArrayClass.create(tPoints shr 3); try for i := 0 to 2 do Edges[i] := TIntArrayClass.create(tPoints); try //Find the maximum and minimum vertex bounds. //This is to allow calculation of the bounding triangle xmin := Vertex[1].x; ymin := Vertex[1].y; xmax := xmin; ymax := ymin; For i := 2 To nvert do begin If Vertex[i].x < xmin Then xmin := Vertex[i].x; If Vertex[i].x > xmax Then xmax := Vertex[i].x; If Vertex[i].y < ymin Then ymin := Vertex[i].y; If Vertex[i].y > ymax Then ymax := Vertex[i].y; end; dx := xmax - xmin; dy := ymax - ymin; If dx > dy Then dmax := dx Else dmax := dy; xmid := Trunc((xmax + xmin) / 2); ymid := Trunc((ymax + ymin) / 2); //Set up the supertriangle //This is a triangle which encompasses all the sample points. //The supertriangle coordinates are added to the end of the //vertex list. The supertriangle is the first triangle in //the triangle list. dv.x := round(xmid - 2 * dmax); dv.y := round(ymid - dmax); Vertex[nvert+1] := dv; dv.x := round(xmid); dv.y := round(ymid + 2 * dmax); Vertex[nvert+2] := dv; dv.x := round(xmid + 2 * dmax); dv.y := round(ymid - dmax); Vertex[nvert+3] := dv; dt := Triangle[1]; with dt do begin vv0 := nvert+1; vv1 := nvert+2; vv2 := nvert+3; Precalc := 0; end; Triangle[1] := dt; Complete[1] := False; ntri := 1; //Include each point one at a time into the existing mesh For i := 1 To nvert do begin Nedge := 0; //Set up the edge buffer. //If the point (Vertex(i).x,Vertex(i).y) lies inside the circumcircle then the //three edges of that triangle are added to the edge buffer. j := 0; repeat j := j + 1; If Complete[j] <> True Then begin inc := InCircle(Vertex[i].x, Vertex[i].y, Vertex[Triangle[j].vv0].x, Vertex[Triangle[j].vv0].y, Vertex[Triangle[j].vv1].x, Vertex[Triangle[j].vv1].y, Vertex[Triangle[j].vv2].x, Vertex[Triangle[j].vv2].y, xc, yc, r,j); //Include this if points are sorted by X If (xc + r) < Vertex[i].x Then // complete[j] := True // Else // If inc Then begin Edges[1][Nedge+1] := Triangle[j].vv0; Edges[1][Nedge + 1] := Triangle[j].vv0; Edges[2][Nedge + 1] := Triangle[j].vv1; Edges[1][Nedge + 2] := Triangle[j].vv1; Edges[2][Nedge + 2] := Triangle[j].vv2; Edges[1][Nedge + 3] := Triangle[j].vv2; Edges[2][Nedge + 3] := Triangle[j].vv0; Nedge := Nedge + 3; Triangle[j] := Triangle[ntri]; dt := Triangle[ntri]; dt.PreCalc := 0; Triangle[ntri] := dt; Complete[j] := Complete[ntri]; j := j - 1; ntri := ntri - 1; End; End; until j>=ntri; // Tag multiple edges // Note: if all triangles are specified anticlockwise then all // interior edges are opposite pointing in direction. For j := 1 To Nedge - 1 do begin // If Not (Edges[1][j] = 0) And Not (Edges[2][j] = 0) Then if (Edges[1][j] <> 0) or (Edges[2][j] <> 0) then begin For k := j + 1 To Nedge do begin // If Not (Edges[1][k] = 0) And Not (Edges[2][k] = 0) Then if (Edges[1][k] <> 0) or (Edges[2][k] <> 0) then begin If Edges[1][j] = Edges[2][k] Then begin If Edges[2][j] = Edges[1][k] Then begin Edges[1][j] := 0; Edges[2][j] := 0; Edges[1][k] := 0; Edges[2][k] := 0; End; End; End; end; End; end; // Form new triangles for the current point // Skipping over any tagged edges. // All edges are arranged in clockwise order. For j := 1 To Nedge do begin // If Not (Edges[1][j] = 0) And Not (Edges[2][j] = 0) Then if (Edges[1][j] <> 0) or (Edges[2][j] <> 0) then begin ntri := ntri + 1; dt := Triangle[ntri]; with dt do begin vv0 := Edges[1][j]; vv1 := Edges[2][j]; vv2 := i; Precalc := 0; end; Triangle[ntri] := dt; Complete[ntri] := False; End; end; end; //Remove triangles with supertriangle vertices //These are triangles which have a vertex number greater than NVERT i:= 0; repeat i := i + 1; If (Triangle[i].vv0 > nvert) Or (Triangle[i].vv1 > nvert) Or (Triangle[i].vv2 > nvert) Then begin dt := Triangle[i]; dt.vv0 := Triangle[ntri].vv0; dt.vv1 := Triangle[ntri].vv1; dt.vv2 := Triangle[ntri].vv2; Triangle[i] := dt; i := i - 1; ntri := ntri - 1; End; until i>=ntri; Triangulate := ntri; finally for i := 0 to 2 do FreeAndNIL(Edges[i]); end finally FreeAndNIL(Complete); end End; procedure TDelaunay.Mesh; begin QuickSort(1,pred(tPoints)); If tPoints > 3 Then HowMany := Triangulate(tPoints-1); //'Returns number of triangles created. end; procedure TDelaunay.Draw; var //variable to hold how many triangles are created by the triangulate function i: Integer; begin // Clear the form canvas ClearBackPage; TempBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := clTeal; //Draw the created triangles if (HowMany > 0) then begin For i:= 1 To HowMany do begin TempBuffer.Canvas.Polygon([Point(Trunc(Vertex[Triangle[i].vv0].x), -Trunc(Vertex[Triangle[i].vv0].y)), Point(Trunc(Vertex[Triangle[i].vv1].x), -Trunc(Vertex[Triangle[i].vv1].y)), Point(Trunc(Vertex[Triangle[i].vv2].x), -Trunc(Vertex[Triangle[i].vv2].y))]); end; end; FlipBackPage; end; procedure TDelaunay.AddPoint(x,y: Double); var dv: DVertex; i: integer; begin if FindPoint(x,y,i) then exit; dv.x := x; dv.y := -y; Vertex[tPoints] := dv; inc(tPoints); end; procedure TDelaunay.ClearBackPage; begin TempBuffer.Height:=TargetForm.Height; TempBuffer.Width:=TargetForm.Width; TempBuffer.Canvas.Brush.Color := clSilver; TempBuffer.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,TargetForm.Width,TargetForm.Height)); end; procedure TDelaunay.FlipBackPage; var ARect : TRect; begin ARect := Rect(0,0,TargetForm.Width,TargetForm.Height); TargetForm.Canvas.CopyRect(ARect, TempBuffer.Canvas, ARect); end; procedure TDelaunay.QuickSort(Low,High: Integer); //Sort all points by x procedure DoQuickSort(iLo, iHi: Integer); var Lo, Hi: Integer; Mid: Double; T: dVertex; A: TDVertex; begin A:=Vertex.fData; Lo := iLo; Hi := iHi; Mid := A[(Lo + Hi) div 2].x; repeat while A[Lo].x < Mid do Inc(Lo); while A[Hi].x > Mid do Dec(Hi); if Lo <= Hi then begin T := A[Lo]; A[Lo] := A[Hi]; A[Hi] := T; Inc(Lo); Dec(Hi); end; until Lo > Hi; if Hi > iLo then DoQuickSort(iLo, Hi); if Lo < iHi then DoQuickSort(Lo, iHi); end; begin DoQuickSort(Low, High); end; end.